A decade-spanning saga reaches its end with an unholy mass of dedicated Pot-heads clambering onto their replica Nimbus 2000s in preparation for an unforgettable experience. Pressured much? The pace in Part 2 directly opposes that of Part 1, constantly stupefying audiences in the face with relentless wizard/witchery war scenes that are nothing short of badass. The ultimate plot turn is done with the utmost tenderness, yielding tragically moving results. There isn’t a full sense of closure with all characters (somewhat understandable) and the last scene left me under-whelmed. Nevertheless, this is a titanic conclusion to an impressive, monumental pop-cultural phenomenon.
free movies online AMAZING Harry Potter movie! Very emotional throughout. I was very satisfied with the ending. I remember seeing the first Harry Potter movie as a 6-year-old... I can't believe it's really ending. It's an amazing movie. Very violent, & certainly extremely brief graphic violent images of corpses unlike the other ones in the series. Has funny moments. Dark movie throughout. This is the end.
ReplyDeleteWhat other families should know
really this is the best end of the Harry's series i like this movie this is a nice movie
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